
Expertise for your studies.

Medical-academic research consultancy

Management: Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Caroline Schmidt-Lucke

Registered office of the company: Berlin
Commercial register number: HRB 154164 B

Sales tax identification number: DE 292187876

Business address:
Sächsische Straße 70
10707 Berlin Wilmersdorf

Tel: 030 521 044 80
Fax: 030 521 044 83

E-mail: info(a)

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Show the medical benefits of your product

With our many years of experience and expertise, we offer effective solutions to demonstrate the medical benefits of your product.

From the conception to the execution of preclinical and clinical investigations, we support you with customized services.

Find out how MEDIACC can help you achieve reimbursability for your products.